Cleaningthe CycloneSeparator
Leave the separator to dry completely before replacing .
IMPORTANT:The cyclonicseparator shouldnot be sub - merged in water
Twist lid to the unlock position and pull the dirt con - tainer bin off the cyclonicseparator .
The separator shouldbe cleaned with a soft brush and wiped with a damp cloth .The dirt containerbin may be wiped to clean .
Step lV
Replacethe dirt containeras direct - ed, by twisting lid to the locked pos - tion .
Cleaningthe Pre-MotorFilter
NOTE: This is locatedunderneaththe dirt containerbin .
N O T E :D o n o t u s e any detergentsor boiling water to wash the filters . For best perfor- mance, the foam filter should be cleanedeachtime the dirt containeris emptied .
Step I
Releasethe pre - motor filter cover by lifting up the tab. Lift off the filter cover to gain accessto the filter . Remove the filter by pulling the tab towardsyou .
Separatethe foam filter from the fab- ric cassette .Each filter can be tapped againstthe side
of a trash can to remove the excess dirt and dust .
The pre - motor filter may be rinsed in warm water . Allow to air dry for 24 hours before replacing .
0nce completely dry, return the