(La fonction n’est active que

(Funzione attiva solo nei





pour les programmes Coton

programmi Cotone e Sintetici)





et Synthétique)

E’ l’ultima frontiera dell’





Le “ Kg MODE ” permet de

elettronica applicata alle





mesurer une série

tecnologie di lavaggio.





“Kg MODE” consente di





d’information sur le linge





misurare durante tutte le fasi





chargé dans le tambour





del lavaggio una serie di





durant toues les phases du





informazioni sulla biancheria










inserita all’ interno del cesto.





Ainsi, durant les 4 premières





In questo modo “Kg MODE”





minutes du cycle de lavage,

nei primi 4 minuti del ciclo di





le “ Kg MODE ” :






- régule la quantité d’eau

- regola la quantità di acqua











- détermine la durée du cycle

- determina la durata del





de lavage






- ajuste les rinçages

- regola i risciacqui





En fonction de la quantité et

in base al carico e al tipo di





du type de linge lavé:

biancheria che si è scelto di





- régule le rythme des






rotations du tambour per

- regola il ritmo di rotazione del





cesto per adattarlo al tipo di





l’adapter au type de tissu










- reconnaît la présence de





- riconoscere la presenza di





mousse et augmente





schiuma, aumentando





éventuellement le niveau





eventualmente il livello





d’eau durant les rinçages





dell’acqua durante i risciacqui





- régule la vitesse d’essorage





- regola il numero di giri della





en fonction de la charge,





centrifuga in funzione del





pour éviter les déséquilibres





carico, evitando che ci siano











“ Kg MODE ” parvient ainsi à

Così “Kg MODE” riesce a





assurer systématiquement la

decidere da sola tra le





recette de lavage la plus

centinaia di possibili





adaptée à la charge de linge

combinazioni di lavaggio





parmi la centaine de recettes

quale si adatta meglio alle






singole condizioni del bucato.





“ Kg MODE ” répond aux

“Kg MODE” viene incontro alle





exigences de simplicité

esigenze di semplicità di





utilizzo della lavatrice





d’utilisation en permettant





permettendo un’impostazione





une sélection simplifiée du





semplificata del programma di





programme de lavage. En





lavaggio. Infatti l’utilizzatore





effet, l’utilisateur indique





indicando solo il tipo di tessuto





simplement le type de tissu





inserito nel cesto e il grado di





chargé dans la machine et le





sporco degli indumenti otterrà





degré de salissure des





un bucato perfettamente





vêtements, et il obtiendra un





pulito e con il più elevato





linge parfaitement lavé et

grado di asciugatura ottenibile





essoré dans le respect des

con una centrifuga attenta ai
























Per aprire l’oblò premere la




Pour ouvrir le hublot





actionner le bouton dans la

leva situata all’interno della

































REÎIM nastavení hmotnosti”




(Funktion nur aktiv für die

(Tato funkce je aktivní pouze

(Function active only on



Programmgruppe Baumwolle

u programÛ pro bavlnu a

Cotton and Synthetics



und Synthetik)

syntetické látky)




Es handelt sich hierbei um die


Through every wash phase



neueste Errungenschaft der

Je poslední hranicí



“Kg MODE” allows to



Elektronik in der Waschtechnik.



aplikované elektroniky pro

monitor information on



„Kg MODE“ tastet während aller



technologii praní.



the wash load in the drum.



Waschphasen eine ganze Reihe



“REÎIM nastavení hmotnosti”



von Informationen über die

So, as soon as the “Kg



nabídne bûhem v‰ech fází



Wäsche in der Trommel ab. In

MODE” is set in motion, in the



praní rÛzné informace o



den ersten 4 Minuten des

first 4 minutes of the wash, it:



vloÏeném prádle.



Waschzyklus’ werden mit „Kg

o adjusts the amount of



Tímto zpÛsobem“REÎIM




water required



nastavení hmotnosti” bûhem



- die benötigte Wassermenge

o determines the length of



prvních 4 minut pracího




the wash cycle






- die Dauer des Waschgangs

o controls rinsing



- nastavuje mnoÏství




according to the type of



potfiebné vody



- die Klarspülgänge



fabric selected to be



entsprechend eingerichtet

- urãuje délku praní



washed it:




- nastavuje máchání prádla



Aufgrund der Art und der Menge


o adjusts the rhythm of drum



podle hmotnosti a typu

rotation for the type of



der Wäsche werden außerdem:



- der Reversierrhythmus der

prádla urãené na praní:

fabric being washed



Trommel an die Gewebeart

- nastavuje rytmus otáãení

o recognises the presence




bubnu, aby jej pfiizpÛsobil

of lather, increasing, if



- das Vorhandensein von

typu tkaniny

necessary, the amount of



Schaum im Wasser erkannt, und

- rozeznává pfiítomnost pûny

water during



bei Bedarf das Wasserniveau der

a podle potfieby zvy‰uje





mnoÏství vody bûhem

o adjusts the spin speed



dementsprechend erhöht


according to the load, thus



- die Schleuderdrehzahl an die

- podle hmotnosti nastavuje

avoiding any imbalance.



Wäscheladung angepasst, so

poãet otáãek odstfieìování,

In this way “Kg MODE” is



dass keine Unwucht entsteht



pfiiãemÏ brání pfiípadné

able to decide, by itself, the






Auf dieser Weise kann „Kg


most suitable programme







MODE“ alleine unter Hunderte

“REÎIM nastavení hmotnosti”



Kombinationsmöglichkeiten den

each individual wash from



si takov˘m zpÛsobem dokáÏe



Waschvorgang auswählen, der

the hundreds of possible



vybrat z nûkolika stovek



sich am besten für die spezielle

wash combinations.



moÏn˘ch kombinací právû



Wäscheladung eignet.

“Kg MODE” meets the need



tu, která se pro jednotlivé




for easy use by permitting a



Mit “Kg MODE” wird die

podmínky prádla hodí nejvíc.



simplified programme






Bedienung der Waschmaschine

“ REÎIM nastavení hmotnosti ”

selection. In



noch einfacher und die

fact, the user need only tell



Einstellung des richtigen

vyhovuje potfiebám



the machine the type of



Waschprogramms noch

snadného pouÏívání praãky,



fabric in the drum and the



schneller. Der Benutzer braucht

pfiiãemÏ umoÏÀuje



degree of soiling, to obtain a



nämlich nur die Art der Wäsche

zjednodu‰ení nastavení



perfect wash with the



und den Verschmutzungsgrad

pracího programu. UÏivatel



der Wäschestücke anzugeben

pouze zadáním typu




und erhält eine perfekt

vloÏeného prádla a stupnû

level of drying possible with



gereinigte Wäsche mit dem

zneãi‰tûní dosáhne dokonale

a spin which really cares for




ãisté prádlo a to s nejvût‰ím

your clothes.



Trocknungsergebnis bei

moÏn˘m stupnûm su‰ení díky




gleichzeitiger Schonung der

odstfiedûní, které chrání



















Um das Bullauge zu öffnen,

K otevfiení dvífick stisknûte

Press the finger-bar inside



drücken Sie den Hebel im

pojistku umístûnou na

the door handle to open the




vnitfiní stranû drÏadla.









Page 13
Image 13
Hoover WDYN PG manual Descrizione, Comandi, Bedienelemente

WDYN PG specifications

The Hoover WDYN PG is a modern washing machine designed to meet the demands of contemporary households. Its features and technologies make it a standout in the realm of home appliances, combining efficiency, user-friendliness, and performance.

One of the key highlights of the Hoover WDYN PG is its energy efficiency. The appliance boasts an impressive energy rating, which not only contributes to lower electricity bills but also helps reduce environmental impact. This is achieved through advanced motor technology that optimizes performance while consuming minimal power.

The drum capacity of the Hoover WDYN PG is designed to cater to the needs of families and individuals alike. With a generous load capacity, it can handle large washing loads, allowing users to save time and energy. The machine is equipped with a variety of wash programs, enabling it to handle different types of fabrics and soiling levels. This versatility ensures that clothes receive the appropriate care, from delicate fabrics to heavily soiled workwear.

One of the standout technologies integrated into the Hoover WDYN PG is the "One Touch" feature, which allows users to connect their device to a smartphone via Bluetooth. This connectivity makes it possible to monitor the washing cycle, download additional programs, and receive diagnostic information directly from the app. This modern feature enhances user convenience, making laundry tasks less of a chore.

Moreover, the washing machine incorporates an innovative anti-vibration design that minimizes noise and vibrations during operation. This feature is especially beneficial for households where laundry is often done during the night or early morning hours.

In addition, the Hoover WDYN PG comes with a range of time-saving options. The quick wash cycle is particularly advantageous for people with busy schedules, allowing them to wash lightly soiled clothes in a fraction of the time.

The build quality of the Hoover WDYN PG is another noteworthy aspect. It is built with durable materials designed to withstand the rigors of daily use while providing a sleek, modern aesthetic that fits seamlessly into any laundry room setup.

In summary, the Hoover WDYN PG combines energy efficiency, innovative technologies, and versatile washing capabilities to provide an exceptional laundry solution for today’s households. Its user-friendly features and robust design make it a practical choice for anyone looking to upgrade their laundry experience.