En pressant cette touche, les capteurs du nouveau “Sensor” System agissent sur la température sélectionnée pour la maintenir constante durant toutes les phases du cycle de lavage et sur la rotation du tambour.

En effet, le tambour tourne à deux vitesses différentes dans les moments déterminants.

Quand la lessive pénètre dans le linge, le tambour tourne de manière à ce qu’elle se répande de façon homogène ; la vitesse augmente au moment du lavage et du rinçage pour que l’action mécanique soit maximale. Grâce à cette option, l’efficacité de lavage des taches réputées difficiles est très largement améliorée




Premendo questo tasto, entrano in funzione dei sensori che agiscono sia sulla temperatura selezionata, mantenendola costante durante tutte le fasi del ciclo di lavaggio, sia sull’ azione meccanica del cesto.

Il cesto viene fatto girare a due diverse velocità nei momenti cruciali. Quando il detersivo entra nei capi il cesto ruota in modo che non si formino disomogeneità nella distribuzione dello stesso, la velocità aumenta, invece, al momento del lavaggio e del risciacquo in modo che l’azione pulente sia massima. Grazie a questo speciale sistema si migliora l’efficacia del lavaggio SENZA AUMENTARE LA DURATA DEL PROGRAMMA.




Durch Drücken dieser Taste werden Sensoren aktiviert, welche einerseits die gewählte Temperatur in allen Phasen des Waschgangs konstant halten und andererseits die mechanische Wirkung der Trommelbewegungen in den verschiedenen Programmphasen anpassen. In den wichtigsten Programmphasen reversiert die Trommel mit zwei unterschiedlichen Geschwindigkeiten. In der Einspülphase des Waschmittels dreht sich die Trommel so, dass eine gleichmäßige Verteilung auf alle Wäschestücke gewährleistet wird. Während der Wasch- und Spülphasen dagegen erhöht sich die Drehgeschwindigkeit, um die maximale Reinigungskraft zu gewährleisten. Dank dieses speziellen Systems werden die Waschergebnisse verbessert




Stisknutím tohoto tlaãítka se zapnou funkce senzorÛ, které pÛsobí na zvolenou teplotu, která zÛstává konstatní bûhem v‰ech fází pracího cyklu, nebo na mechanickou ãinnost bubnu.

Buben se v klíãov˘ch okamÏicích otáãí dvûma rychlostmi. KdyÏ prací prá‰ek proniká do prádla, buben se otáãí tak, aby se prá‰ek rozdûlil v bubnu rovnomûrnû, jeho rychlost se v‰ak zvy‰uje v okamÏiku praní a máchání tak, aby prací úãinek byl maximální. Díky tomuto speciálnímu systému se zlep‰uje úãinnost praní BEZ PRODLOUÎENÍ DOBY TRVÁNÍ PROGRAMU.



By pressing this button, a sensors system come into operation. They affect both the selected temperature, keeping it at a constant level throughout the wash cycle, and the mechanical function of the drum.

The drum is made to turn at two different speeds at crucial moments. When the detergent enters the garments, the drum rotates in such a way that the detergent is distributed in a uniform manner; during the wash and rinse procedures, however, the speed increases in order to maximise the cleaning action. Thanks to this special system, the efficiency of the wash procedure is improved




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Hoover WDYN PG manual Touche Très Sale, Taste Flecken, Ohne DIE Programmdauer ZU Verlängern, Intensive Button

WDYN PG specifications

The Hoover WDYN PG is a modern washing machine designed to meet the demands of contemporary households. Its features and technologies make it a standout in the realm of home appliances, combining efficiency, user-friendliness, and performance.

One of the key highlights of the Hoover WDYN PG is its energy efficiency. The appliance boasts an impressive energy rating, which not only contributes to lower electricity bills but also helps reduce environmental impact. This is achieved through advanced motor technology that optimizes performance while consuming minimal power.

The drum capacity of the Hoover WDYN PG is designed to cater to the needs of families and individuals alike. With a generous load capacity, it can handle large washing loads, allowing users to save time and energy. The machine is equipped with a variety of wash programs, enabling it to handle different types of fabrics and soiling levels. This versatility ensures that clothes receive the appropriate care, from delicate fabrics to heavily soiled workwear.

One of the standout technologies integrated into the Hoover WDYN PG is the "One Touch" feature, which allows users to connect their device to a smartphone via Bluetooth. This connectivity makes it possible to monitor the washing cycle, download additional programs, and receive diagnostic information directly from the app. This modern feature enhances user convenience, making laundry tasks less of a chore.

Moreover, the washing machine incorporates an innovative anti-vibration design that minimizes noise and vibrations during operation. This feature is especially beneficial for households where laundry is often done during the night or early morning hours.

In addition, the Hoover WDYN PG comes with a range of time-saving options. The quick wash cycle is particularly advantageous for people with busy schedules, allowing them to wash lightly soiled clothes in a fraction of the time.

The build quality of the Hoover WDYN PG is another noteworthy aspect. It is built with durable materials designed to withstand the rigors of daily use while providing a sleek, modern aesthetic that fits seamlessly into any laundry room setup.

In summary, the Hoover WDYN PG combines energy efficiency, innovative technologies, and versatile washing capabilities to provide an exceptional laundry solution for today’s households. Its user-friendly features and robust design make it a practical choice for anyone looking to upgrade their laundry experience.