‘Slow’ Setting Menus
Tomato Soup
Fruity Chicken Casserole
Rice Pudding
Cook on a ‘Slow’ setting for 7 hrs.
1 medium sized onion, peeled and chopped
15ml (1 tbsp) vegetable oil
675g (11/2 lb) tomatoes, roughly chopped
500ml (1 pint) vegetable stock
5ml (1 level tsp) caster sugar
1. Fry onion gently in oil until soft.
2. Add tomatoes, stock, seasoning and
bring to boil.
3. Place in casserole dish, cover with foil
and lid and place in oven.
4. Before serving, sieve soup.
5. Reheat, adjust seasoning if necessary
and stir in sugar.
6. For cream of tomato soup stir in 50ml (2
floz) cream and reheat soup very gently
without boiling. Garnish with a swirl of
Salt and pepper
4 chicken joints
1 red pepper, de-seeded and sliced
2 sticks of celery, chopped
1 large onion, peeled and sliced
400g (14 oz) can sliced peaches
1. Skin chicken joints and place in 2 litre
(31/2 pint) casserole dish.
2. Fry pepper, onion, celery and mush
rooms in oil.
3. Cover chicken with vegetables.
4. Drain fruit, reserving juice, and add to
5. Blend cornflour with soya sauce,
vinegar and reserved juice, bring to the
boil in a saucepan, add seasoning and
pour into casserole dish.
100g (4 oz) mushrooms, sliced
3 tablespoons cornflour
1 tablespoon soya sauce
3 tablespoons malt vinegar
Salt and pepper
50g (2 oz) pudding rice
Knob of butter
25g (1 oz) sugar
500ml (1 pint) milk, warmed
1. Place the washed rice into a greased
dish and dot with butter.
2. Dissolve the sugar in the heated milk
and pour over the rice.
3. Sprinkle grated nutmeg over the top.
4. Leave uncovered, place in oven.
Grated nutmeg