Care and Cleaning
Unplug the appliance.
Beforecarryingoutanycleaningor maintenance on the dishwasher, always remove the plug from the electricitysocket.
After every wash.
When the wash cycle has ended, always remember to turn off the water supply tap and to leave the appliance door ajar. This way, moistureandbadodourswillnotbe trappedinside.
The filter assembly
•Ifyouwantconsistentgoodresults fromyourdishwasher,youneedto cleanthefilterassembly.
•Removethelargerfoodparticles trappedinsidethecup“C”andthe
•Theentirefilterassemblyshould becleanedthoroughlyonceamonth: cup C +
For cleaning, use a non metallic brush.
B 2 A
Reassemble the filter parts (as showninthefigure)andreinsertthe whole assembly into the dishwasher. Position it into its housingandpressdownwards.
The dishwasher is not to be used withoutfilters.Improperreplacement of the filters may reduce the efficiency of the wash and even damageyourdishwasher.
Cleaning the spray arms.
Food residue may become encrustedontothesprayarmsand blocktheholeswherewatercomes out.Checkthesprayarmsregularly andcleanthemonceinawhile.
Cleaning the Water Inlet Filter
Periodicallycleanthewaterinletfilter (see figure 2 under "Installation") located on the outlet of the water supplytap.Afterturningoffthewater tap, unscrew the end of the water supplyhose,removethefilterand cleanitcarefullyunderrunningwater. Then,returnthefiltertoitsplaceand tightenthewatersupplyhoseback intoposition.
The seals.
One of the factors that cause unpleasantodourstoforminsidethe dishwasher is food that remains trapped in the seals. Periodic cleaningusingadampspongewill preventthisfromoccurring.
DO NOT use solvents or abrasivestocleantheexteriorand rubberpartsofyourappliance,do not use solvents or abrasive cleaning products. Use a cloth dampened with lukewarm soapy wateronly.
Ifthereareanystainsonthesurface oftheapplianceinterior,useacloth dampened with water and a little whitevinegar,oracleaningproduct specificallymadefordishwashers.
Going away
Ifthedishwasherisnotgoingtobe used for some time, carry out the following:
•run a cycle with the dishwasher empty.
•switch off at the electrical socket andunplug.
•turn off the water supply tap, disconnect the inlet hose and allowtodrain.
•leavethedoorajar,topreventthe build up of unpleasant odours insidethedishwasher.
Beforeusingthedishwasheraftera longbreak,pluginandswitchonat theelectricalsocket.Reconnectthe inlet hose and turn on the water supply tap. Check there are no deposits of rust inside the water pipe,ifthereareallowwatertorun from the supply tap for a few minutes.
Disconnecting the dishwasher. Whendisconnectingthedishwasher itisimportantthattasksarecarried outinthecorrectsequence.
•switchoffatthemainsandremove theplugfromthesocket.
•disconnect drain and water inlet hose.
•pulloutthedishwasher,carefully, withdrawinghosesatthesame
Moving the appliance. Drainwater fromthedishwasher. Secure all loose parts. Only transportinanuprightposition.
•Ifnotkeptuprightduringtransport, anywaterremaininginsidemay seepintothecontrolmoduleand cause subsequent errors with programmefunctions.