Fault Area | Issue | Cause/How to resolve… |
Poor Wash Results | Tabletnotdissolving |
Spry wash jet holes
-Whereverpossiblethefollowingshouldbepositionedawayfrom dispenser,toensurethattheycannotcomeintocontactwiththe Dispenser
-Cutlery / Cutlery Basket
Upper Basket
Upper Spry Arm
-Priortostartingtheprogrammeensurethespraywashjetholesare notblockedandalsothatthesprayarmscanrotatefreely.
26 cm. | 21cm. |
| |
26 cm. | 31 cm. |
Withtheupperbasketinthe |
| Withtheupperbasketinthe |
| upperposition,themaximum | |
lowerposition,themaximum |
| |
| heightforplatesisincreasedto | |
heightforplatesis26cm. |
| |
| 31cm. | |
| |
To adjust the upper basket position, follow | ||
instructions below: |
-Toadjusttheheightsettingofyourupperbasketmovehandlesup ordownandthenpushinuntilyouhearitclipintoposition(SeeFig 1):-
·Handlepointsdownwardswhenupperbasketsettolowerposition (SeeFig.2).
-Handlepointsupwardswhenupperbasketsettoupperposition (SeeFig.3).
F i g . 1
F i g . 2
F i g . 3