■Operating system version number and registration number.
To display the operating system version number and registration number:
❏In Windows 2000 Professional, select Start > Settings > Control Panel > System > General tab.
❏In Windows XP Home or Windows XP Professional, select Start > Control Panel > Performance and Maintenance > System > General tab.
■Brand and model of an optional printer.
■Reports from any tests you have run in Compaq Diagnostics. For information about using Compaq Diagnostics to report configuration or diagnostic information, see the Software Guide, “Setup and Diagnostic Utilities” section, on the Documentation Library CD.
Taking the Notebook to a Service Provider
In addition to providing the items listed in the preceding section, “Preparing to Call Technical Support,” be sure to:
■Delete all passwords, or
■Disclose all passwords to the service provider.
For information about using passwords, see the Software Guide, “Security” section, on the Documentation Library CD.
Getting Started |