Enhancements in Release F.04.08

Configuring Secure Shell (SSH)

Configures Manager user- name and password.

Configures the switch to allow SSH access only a client whose public key matches one of the keys in the public key file downloaded to the switch.

Copies a public key file named"Client-Keys.pub"into the switch.

Configures the primary and secondary password methods for Manager (enable) access. (Becomes available after SSH access is granted to a client.)

Figure 37. Configuring for SSH Access Requiring a Client Public-Key Match and Manager Passwords

Figure 38 shows how to check the results of the above commands.

Lists the current SSH authentication config- uration.

Shows the contents of the public key file downloaded with the copy tftp command in figure 37. In this example, the file contains two client public- keys.

Figure 38. SSH Configuration and Client-Public-Key Listing From Figure 37

6. Use an SSH Client To Access the Switch

Test the SSH configuration on the switch to ensure that you have achieved the level of SSH operation you want for the switch. If you have problems, refer to “Troubleshooting SSH Operation” on page 101 for possible solutions.