Enhancements in Release F.05.05 through F.05.70

Enhancements in Release F.05.05 through F.05.60

Viewing 802.1X Open VLAN Mode Status

You can examine the switch’s current VLAN status by using the show port-access authenticator and show vlan < vlan-id> commands as illustrated in this section. Figure 14 shows an example of show port-access authenticator output, and table 4 describes the data that this command displays. Figure 15 shows related VLAN data that can help you to see how the switch is using statically configured VLANs to support 802.1X operation.

An Unauth VLAN ID appearing in the Current VLAN ID column for the same port indicates an unauthenticated client is connected to this port.

(Assumes that the port is not a statically configured member of VLAN 100.)



Items 1 through 3 indicate that an authenticated client is connected to port 2:

1.Open in the Status column

2.Authorized in the Authenticator State column

3.The Auth VLAN ID (101) is also in the Current VLAN ID column. (This assumes that the port is not a statically configured member of VLAN 101.)




4.A “0” in the row for port 3 indicates there is no Authorized VLAN configured for port 3.

5.“No PVID” means there is currently no untagged VLAN membership on port 4.

Figure 14. Example Showing Ports Configured for Open VLAN ModeThus, in the show port-access authenticator output:

When the Auth VLAN ID is configured and matches the Current VLAN ID in the above command output, an authenticated client is connected to the port. (This assumes the port is not a statically configured member of the VLAN you are using for Auth VLAN.)

When the Unauth VLAN ID is configured and matches the Current VLAN ID in the above command output, an unauthenticated client is connected to the port. (This assumes the port is not a statically configured member of the VLAN you are using for Unauth VLAN.)