Enhancements in Release F.05.05 through F.05.70

Enhancements in Release F.05.05 through F.05.60

Option For Authenticator Ports: Configure Port-Security To Allow Only 802.1X Devices

If you are using port-security on authenticator ports, you can configure it to learn only the MAC address of the first 802.1X-aware device detected on the port. Then, only traffic from this specific device is allowed on the port. When this device logs off, another 802.1X-aware device can be authenticated on the port.

Syntax: port-security [ethernet] < port-list>learn-mode port-access

Configures port-security on the specified port(s) to allow only the first 802.1X-aware device that the port detects.

action < none send-alarm send-disable >

Configures the port’s response (in addition to blocking unauthorized traffic) to detecting an intruder.


Port-Security operates with 802.1X authentication as described above only if the selected ports are configured as 802.1X; that is with the control mode in the port-access authenticator command set to auto. For example, to configure port 10 for 802.1X authenticator operation and display the result:

HPswitch(config)# aaa port-access authenticator e 10 control auto HPswitch(config)# show port-access authenticator e 10 config