(Pol) 

(,) 

(Pol) 

(,) 

(r, θ ) = (2,30) → (X,Y)

(Rec) (,)


Greatest Common Divisor and Least Common Multiple

These functions exist in all modes.

Greatest Common Divisor (GCD): To calculate the greatest common divisor of two positive integers.

Least Common Multiple (LCM): To calculate the least common multiple among two positive integers.

The argument value can be either a number and/or expression.

Input range:

LCM: 0 a , b < 1 1010

GCD: -1 1010 < a; b < 1 1010

Error message:

Math ERROR: When users input decimal or negative integers, an error message will be displayed.

Example: Find the Least Common Multiple of 5 and 10.

(LCM) 


Example: Find the Greatest Common Divisor of 35 and 60.

(GCD) 

(,) 

Example: When an argument includes zero.