The Representation of Numbers

Although the display of a number is converted when the base is changed, its stored form is not modified, so decimal numbers are not truncated — until they are used in arithmetic calculations.

When a number appears in hexadecimal, octal, or binary base, it is shown as a right–justified integer with up to 36 bits (12 octal digits or 9 hexadecimal digits). Leading zeros are not displayed, but they are important because they indicate a positive number. For example, the binary representation of 12510 is displayed as:


which is the same as these 36 digits:


Negative Numbers

The leftmost (most significant or "highest") bit of a number's binary representation is the sign bit; it is set (1) for negative numbers. If there are (undisplayed) leading zeros, then the sign bit is 0 (positive). A negative number is the 2's complement of its positive binary number.


546 {x{%}





. )

Enters a positive, decimal number; then converts it to hexadecimal.2's complement (sign changed).

Binary version; § indicates more digits. Displays the leftmost window; the number is negative since the highest bit is 1.

Negative decimal number.
10–4Base Conversions and Arithmetic