imaginary part (complex numbers), 9–1, 9–2indirect addressing, 13–20, 13–21, 13–22


always prompts, 13–10 entering program data, 12–11 in integration programs, 14–8 in SOLVE programs, 14–2 responding to, 12–13

integer–part function, 4–16 integration

accuracy, 8–2, 8–5, 8–6, E–1 base mode, 12–22, 14–11 difficult functions, E–2, E–7 display format, 8–2, 8–6, 8–7 evaluating programs, 14–7 how it works, E–1

in programs, 14–9 interrupting, B–2limits of, 8–2, 14–8, C–8, E–7 memory usage, 8–2, B–2 purpose, 8–1restrictions, 14–11results on stack, 8–2, 8–6 stopping, 8–2, 14–8 subintervals, E–7

time required, 8–6, E–7 transforming variables, E–9 uncertainty of result, 8–2, 8–5,

8–6, E–2 using, 8–2, C–8 variable of, 8–2, C–8

intercept (curve–fit), 11–7, 16–1 interest (finance), 17–3 intermediate results, 2–11 inverse function, 1–17, 9–3 inverse hyperbolic functions, 4–6

inverse trigonometric functions, 4–4 inverse-normal distribution, 16–11 ISG, 13–18


keysalpha, 1–3 letters, 1–3 shifted, 1–3


LAST X register, 2–7, B–6 LASTx function, 2–7 lender (finance), 17–1 length conversions, 4–13 letter keys, 1–3

limits of integration, 8–2, 14–8, C–8 linear regression (estimation), 11–7,


logarithmic curve fitting, 16–1 logarithmic functions, 4–1, 9–3 loop counter, 13–18, 13–22 looping, 13–16, 13–17 àukasiewicz, 2–1



program catalog, 1–24, 12–20 reviews memory, 1–24 variable catalog, 1–24, 3–3mantissa, 1–15, 1–21 mass conversions, 4–13 math

complex–number, 9–1 general procedure, 1–16 intermediate results, 2–11 long calculations, 2–11
