







24 g










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Retains P; prompts for I.Retains 0.56 in I; prompts for N.Stores 24 in N; prompts for B.

Retains 5750 in B; calculates F, the future balance. Again, the sign is negative, indicating that you must, pay out this money. Sets FIX 4 display format.

Prime Number Generator

This program accepts any positive integer greater than 3. If the number is a prime number (not evenly divisible by integers other than itself and 1), then the program returns the input value. If the input is not a prime number, then the program returns the first prime number larger than the input.

The program identifies non–prime numbers by exhaustively trying all possible factors. If a number is not prime, the program adds 2 (assuring that the value is still odd) and tests to see if it has found a prime. This process continues until a prime number is found.

17–6Miscellaneous Programs and Equations