Base Conversions and Arithmetic

The BASE menu ( {x) lets you change the number base used for entering numbers and other operations (including programming). Changing bases also converts the displayed number to the new base.





Menu label





Decimal mode. No annunciator. Converts numbers to


base 10. Numbers have integer and fractional parts.


Hexadecimal mode. HEX annunciator on. Converts


numbers to base 16; uses integers only. The top–row keys


become digits %through *.


Octal mode. OCT annunciator on. Converts numbers to


base 8; uses integers only. The , , and unshifted


top–row keys are inactive.


Binary mode. BIN annunciator on. Converts numbers to


base 2; uses integers only. Digit keys other than and


, and the unshifted top–row functions are inactive. If a


number is longer than 12 digits, then the ˜and —


keys are active for viewing windows. (See "Windows for


Long Binary Numbers" later in this chapter.)



Examples: Converting the Base of a Number.

The following keystrokes do various base conversions.

Convert 125.9910 to hexadecimal, octal, and binary numbers.


125.99 {x




Converts just the integer part

(125)of the decimal number to base 16 and displays this value. Base 8.

Base Conversions and Arithmetic 10–1