


  

Selects Equation mode, shown by


or the current equation in

the EQN annunciator.


line 2




 D 


_ _

π_ π _ π_ π



Begins a new equation, turns on the A..Z annunciator so you can enter a variable name. types 

Digit entry uses the "_" entry cursor.

ends the number.

types .

Terminates and displays the equation.

Shows the checksum and length for the equation, so you can check your keystrokes.

By comparing the checksum and length of your equation with those in the example, you can verify that you've entered the equation properly. (See "Verifying Equations" at the end of this chapter for more information.)

Evaluate the equation ( to calculate V ):


 value

   _


value  



Prompts for variables on the right– hand side of the equation. Prompts for D first; value is the current value of D.

Enters 2 1/2 inches as a fraction.

Stores D, prompts for L; value is current value of L.

Stores L; calculates V in cubic inches and stores the result in V.