Cross Product in Vectors

Here is an example showing how to use the program function to calculate the cross product.

Cross product:

v1 v2 = (YW ZV )i + (ZU XW)j + (XV YU)k


v1 = X i + Y j + Z k and

v2=U i + V j + W k

Program Lines:


(In RPN mode)


  

Defines the beginning of the rectangular input/display



  

Displays or accepts input of X.

  

Displays or accepts input of Y.

  

Displays or accepts input of Z.

  

Goes to R001 to input vectors

Checksum and length: D82E 15

  

Defines the beginning of the vector–enter routine.

  

Copies values in X, Y and Z to U, V and W



              

   Goes to R001 to input vectors Checksum and length: B6AF 24

Miscellaneous Programs and Equations 17-11