            

Program Lines:


(In RPN mode)


Checksum and length: 889C 18

  

This subroutine calculates xˆ for the logarithmic model.

  


  


  


 

Calculates xˆ = e(Y – B) M

 

Returns to the calling routine.

Checksum and length: 0DBE 18

  

This subroutine calculates yˆ for the exponential model.

  


  


 


  

Calculates yˆ= BeMX.

  

Branches to M005
Checksum and length: 9327 18

  

This subroutine calculates xˆ for the exponential model.

  


  


 


  

Calculates xˆ = (ln (Y B)) M.


  

Goes to N005
Checksum and length: 7219 18This subroutine calculates yˆ for the power model.Calculates Y= B (XM).   Goes to K005 Checksum and length: 11B3 18

  

This subroutine calculates xˆ for the power model.

16-6Statistics Programs