%Tools%\System\ifhw .\hwdisc.xml %Tools%\System\allboards.xml PCI:"HP 6 Port SATA RAID Controller"
if errorlevel 1 GOTO NEXT6
.\Adaptec\bin\arcconf.exe ***Fill in command options***
:NEXT6 pause
REM======================================================================== REM *** Configure the iLO if iLo Present
REM *** echo configuring iLO is present REM========================================================================
rem %Tools%\System\ifhw .\hwdisc.xml %Tools%\System\allboards.xml PCI:"Integrated
rem if errorlevel 1 GOTO State2
rem .\iLo\hponcfg
REM======================================================================== echo Setting State Information... Due to Problems with diskpart not picking up new logical volumes REM======================================================================== %Tools%\System\statemgr /w Phase 2
REM *** REBOOT if necessary %Tools%\System\reboot PXE
REM======================================================================== REM *** Create partition by reading content of the script file and
REM *** stamping the configuration onto the hard drive in the target server REM========================================================================
echo Creating Disk Partition...
%MsTools%\DiskPart /s %GlobalData%\diskPart0.txt echo Formatting Disk Partition...
%MsTools%\format c: /FS:NTFS /Q /y pause %Tools%\System\statemgr /w Phase 3
echo Creating Driver Directory and Copying Drivers...
mkdir c:\ntcsp
rem xcopy %HPQFlatFiles%\$oem$ c:\$oem$ /s /e xcopy %HPQComponents% c:\ntcsp /s /e
REM *** Copy the customized UNATTEND.TXT file from the system
REM *** configuration area to the root directory of the target server's REM *** hard drive
copy %GlobalData%\unattend.txt c:\
Configuring HP ProLiant systems with Windows PE 13