
Your choice of test capability

The HP 37717C communications performance analyzer supports comprehensive functional test and jitter capability to help you test your PDH/DSn, SONET/SDH and ATM networks or network equipment. The analyzer comprises a mainframe with large color display and integral floppy disk drive, optional 80-column graphics printer, and includes power cord and operating manuals. You add the test capability you require by selecting from the optional test modules.

To meet your specific test needs, just order the capability you require. Simply order the HP 37717C analyzer and choose the application orientated options you require, from the tables in the pages that follow. Remember, you can configure your analyzer to simultaneously include PDH/DSn, SONET/SDH, ATM and jitter, or you can configure it to contain PDH/DSn only, SDH only, SONET/ SDH only, ATM only or almost any combination.

HP 37717C communications performance analyzer with color display, floppy disk drive as standard and optional integrated printer.

All the power you need for comprehensive performance testing.

Select optional PDH/DSn, SONET/SDH, ATM cell layer, ATM services and jitter modules from an expanding range of options:

ATM services layer testing with/without native LAN connectivity

ATM cell layer generation and measurement

SONET/SDH electrical interfaces

SONET/SDH optical interfaces (1310 and 1550 nm)

SONET/SDH binary interfaces

PDH and SDH jitter/wander Tx and Rx

DSn testing (DS1, DS3, E1, E3 structured)

Multiple PDH outputs

PDH testing (704 kb/s to 140 Mb/s)

PDH binary interfaces with external clock input

Printer/remote interfaces

Graphics printer.