Viewing online manuals

Note: Online manuals are associated with specific PC model numbers. Not all models have online manuals.

View online manuals for your PC:

1Establish a connection to the Internet.

2Type the Support Web address from your Support Guide into your browser address box, and press the Enter key on your keyboard.

3Select your country/region, and then click the arrow to the right of the list.

4Click the Support link, and then select your model.

To go directly to the English language support Web page for your HP Pavilion model and find online manuals for it, use the following steps:

1Establish a connection to the Internet.


into your Web browser Address box, and press the Enter key on your keyboard.

3In the Quick Find box, type your product name and number, and then press the Enter key on your keyboard. For example, Pavilion xt865 or Pavilion 7970. The product number is on the lower front of the PC chassis.

4When the results window appears, click the product support link for your PC model (language).

5Click manuals.

Note: If manuals does not appear, there are no online manuals associated with your model.

6Click a manual title to view it.

Quick Start Guide 53
