Power and Signal Distribution
This chapter describes the power supplies and discusses the methods of general power and signal distribution. Topics covered in this chapter include:
■USDT power distribution (7.2)
■SFF/CMT power distribution (7.3)
■Power Control (7.4)
■Signal distribution (7.5)
7.2USDT Power Distribution
Each form factor uses a unique power supply assembly and implements different methods of power generation and distribution. The USDT form factor uses an external (“brick”) supply while the SFF and CMT form factors use a power supply unit contained within the system chassis. The subassemblies are not interchangeable between the three form factors.
The USDT form factor uses an external (“brick”) supply that connects to the chassis through a
Front Bezel
Power Button
USDT Chassis
System Board
Power On |
Power Control Logic,
Voltage Regulators
+19.5 | Rtn | Pwr rating |
| & ID |
90 - 264 VAC
Power Supply
Figure 7-1. USDT Power Generation, Block Diagram
| Technical Reference Guide | www.hp.com |