This limit is disabled when the switch parameter Suppress Zoning RSCNs on Zone set activations check box is enabled.
Full-fabric capability for Edge Switch 2/12
Unlike other edge switch and director products, a product feature enablement (PFE) key, controls Edge Switch 2/12
The feature key includes distance support. With firmware 06.00.00 and later, the Edge Switch 2/12 ships standard with five
Hard zoning for Edge Switch 2/12 and Edge Switch 2/24 switch loop ports
Firmware 06.00.00 and later extends Hard Zoning to loop (FL) ports on Edge Switch 2/12 and Edge Switch 2/24. Previously, zoning on FL ports was regulated in software.
Known issues
This section describes the known issues related to the Edge Switch 2/12, Edge Switch 2/24, and Edge Switch 2/32.
Certain unauthorized devices may increase response time for fabric operations under specific conditions with the Edge Switch 2/24
When Port Binding is enabled, unauthorized devices (devices that are not set up by the Port Binding) with older technology can transmit numerous fabric login (FLOGI) requests, which are rejected by the Edge Switch 2/24. Processing these exchanges may increase fabric response times for activities such as fabric builds and valid FLOGI response time for other ports.
Remove the unauthorized device, change the Port Binding WWN (if this device should be authorized), or alternatively, disable Port Binding.
HSG80 transparent mode not supported with IBM AIX
Use of an HSG80 with IBM AIX is restricted to operating the HSG80 in Multibus mode with the Edge Switch 2/12, Edge Switch 2/24, and Edge Switch 2/32. Transparent mode is not supported at this time.