Software configuration
Configure the following items to set up a smart card solution on CCI:
1.Certificate Authentication (CA) service
2.Group policy settings
3.Middleware running on a HP blade PC
4.Smart card client driver
Step 1: Configuring a Certificate Authentication (CA) service
Configure a CA service. This white paper uses Microsoft Certificate Services to configure certificates. Detailed instructions for installing a CA service is beyond the scope of this white paper. For more informa- tion about installing Certificate Services, see http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/smallbusi- ness/prodtech/windowsserver2003/build_ent_root_ca.mspx and http://h20000.www2.hp.com/bc/ docs/support/SupportManual/c00363517/c00363517.pdf.
After you install the CA service, perform the following configuration steps:
1.Create an MMC with the following
•Active Directory Users and Computers
•Certification Authority
•Certificate Templates
2.Click Certificate Templates and look for the Smartcard Logon certificate in the right pane.
3.Create a duplicate template by