Using HDLC/LAP-D Protocol

Status and Error Messages

69ST25TXFRReset/Disc. due to transmitted FRMR

An unrecognized frame was received by the protocol; this causes LAP-D to reset the link by sending a SABME. For consistent error handling between LAP-D and LAP-B (which sends a FRMR instead of a SABME), the protocol sends this status message. The data buffer contains the information field of the FRMR that LAP-B would send.

70ST25RXFRReset/Disc. due to received FRMR

A frame reject response was received. A copy of the received FRMR’s information field is in the data buffer of the unsolicited status message.

71ST25RXDMReset/Disc. due to received DM

The protocol received a Disconnected Mode response.

72ST25RXSAReset/Disc. due to recvd SABM/SABME

A Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode Extended command was received by the protocol.

73ST25RXDIReset/Disc. due to received DISC

The protocol received a DISConnect command.

74ST25RXUAReset/Disc. due to received UA

An Unnumbered Acknowledgment response was received by the protocol when the protocol had not solicited a UA.

75ST25RUFRReset/Disc. due to unsol final resp

The protocol received a response that had the Final bit set even though the last command sent by the protocol did not have the Poll bit set.

The following status messages are used by the protocol to return data in response to a control write:

88 ST25L2STAT Statistics upload

This message is sent in response to a CW_STATS control write. The data buffer contains a x25l2stat_type structure (defined in zcomx25.h).

Chapter 3