Another way to unload the CLX PowerShell Snap-In is to run the PowerShell script RemoveClx3PARCmdletsSnapIn.ps1 located at <CLX Install Directory>\bin directory.




Adds a cluster resource of type "Cluster Extension 3PAR" to the list of resources and makes the given cluster shared volume dependent on this cluster resource (CLX resource), using AND as the connector, within a failover cluster.

Existing dependencies will remain in the list. Dependency of CSV on CLX ensures that a CSV comes online only after CLX resource has come online..


Add-CSVDependencyOnCLX3PAR [-CSVDiskName <String>] [<CommonParameters>]


This cmdlet tries to create a resource of type "Cluster Extension 3PAR" to the list of resources and makes the given cluster shared volume dependent on this cluster resource. Cluster resource of type "Cluster Extension 3PAR" would also be called as “CLX resource” interchangeably.

The cmdlet first tries to find out if there is already a cluster resource of type "Cluster Extension 3PAR" in the CSV group (role) to which the CSV belongs.

If there is no resource of type "Cluster Extension 3PAR" in the corresponding CSV group, then the cmdlet first creates a resource of type "Cluster Extension 3PAR" in the CSV group and then makes the CSV resource in the CSV group dependent on the newly created resource of type "Cluster Extension 3PAR".

If CLX resource already exists in the given CSV role, then the cmdlet checks whether CSV is already dependent on the resource of type "Cluster Extension 3PAR". If the CSV is already dependent on the CLX resource, then the cmdlet moves to the next CSV (if user has not specified any particular CSV). In the absence of dependency on the existing CLX resource, the cmdlet creates a dependency of CSV resource in the CSV group on resource of type "Cluster Extension 3PAR".

Due to this configuration, whenever CSV role is brought online, resource of type "Cluster Extension 3PAR" is the first resource to come online and then the dependent CSV disk comes online. This ensures that CLX resource can do all the necessary storage related status gathering and failover operations before CSV disk can come online.


-CSVDiskName <String>

Specifies the cluster shared volume name which will be made dependent on resource of type "Cluster Extension 3PAR”.





Default value


Accept pipeline input?


Accept wildcard characters?



This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction,

ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, OutBuffer and OutVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters (( LinkID=113216)


Cluster Extension Cmdlets for CSV and Virtual Machine Management 59