3 Uninstalling Cluster Test
The RPM version of Cluster Test installs bits on the compute nodes, and has an uninstall script to remove those bits.
Uninstalling CT RPM
Uninstalling Cluster Test RPM is a two step process. The first step involves removing the Cluster Test executables; the second step involves removing the Cluster Test sources. These steps must be executed on each node that has Cluster Test installed.
1.Run the uninstall script to remove the Cluster Test executables.
For Red Hat, SLES, and CentOS: /opt/clustertest/setup/ct_setup.sh
2.Remove the Cluster Test RPM.
# rpm
The uninstall process will remove all the files and directories used under normal Cluster Test operation, with the exception of the logs directory. If any files or directories are created or moved by the user in the /opt/clustertest directory, they might remain after the Cluster Test RPM removal. If Perl modules were installed along with the Cluster Test RPM, they will remain after uninstalling the Cluster Test RPM.
20 Uninstalling Cluster Test