HP CQ40-114AX, CQ40-300, CQ40-152XX DVDPlay launches after you log on. Refer to the QuickPlay or

Models: CQ40-105TU CQ40-109AX CQ40-111AU CQ40-114AU CQ40-300 CQ40-106AX CQ40-123AU CQ40-126AX CQ40-109TU CQ40-109AU CQ40-139TU CQ40-152XX CQ40-122TU CQ40-141TU CQ40-115AU CQ40-118AX CQ40-107TU CQ40-108AU CQ40-128AU CQ40-146TU CQ40-140TU CQ40-117TU CQ40-135TU CQ40-110AU CQ40-118TU CQ40-108AX CQ40-124AU CQ40-111AX CQ40-112AX CQ40-148TU CQ40-119AX CQ40-106AU CQ40-125AX CQ40-150TU CQ40-122AU CQ40-120TU CQ40-201XX CQ40-132TU CQ40-138TU CQ40-114AX CQ40-119TU CQ40-151XX CQ40-134TU CQ40-129AU CQ40-131TU CQ40-120AX CQ40-117AX CQ40-120AU CQ40-130TU CQ40-115TU CQ40-125AU CQ40-147TU CQ40-112TU CQ40-116AX

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NOTE: If the computer has been set up to require a logon



password, you may be asked to log on to Windows. QuickPlay or



DVDPlay launches after you log on. Refer to the QuickPlay or



DVDPlay software Help for more information.





Wireless button

Turns the wireless feature on or off but does not establish a



wireless connection.



NOTE: A wireless network must be set up in order to establish a



wireless connection.





Volume mute button

Mutes and restores speaker sound.





Volume scroll zone

Adjusts speaker volume. Slide your finger to the left to decrease



volume and to the right to increase volume. You can also tap the



minus sign on the scroll zone to decrease volume, or tap the plus



sign on the scroll zone to increase volume.

*This table describes factory settings. For information about changing factory settings, refer to the user guides located in Help and Support.

Top components


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HP CQ40-114AX, CQ40-300, CQ40-152XX, CQ40-151XX, CQ40-201XX manual DVDPlay launches after you log on. Refer to the QuickPlay or