Computer Setup (F10) Utility Guide

Computer Setup (Continued)








Energy Saver

Allows you to set the energy saver mode



(advanced, disable or minimal).



In the minimal energy saver mode



setting, the hard drive and system do not



go into energy saver mode, but the



setting allows you to press the power



button to suspend the system.



This option does not affect power



management for the ACPI-enabled operating









Allows you to disable or manually select



timeout values for the system and/or all



attached IDE hard drives.



This option does not affect power



management for the ACPI-enabled



operating systems. This selection will



only appear when energy saver mode is



set to advanced.





Energy Saver Options

Allows you to set:



• Power button configuration (on/off or



sleep/wake) under APM-enabled



operating systems.



• Power LED blink in suspend mode






Energy Saver Options will appear only



if the energy saver mode is enabled.



This option does not apply under



ACPI-enabled operating systems.

Support for Computer Setup options may vary depending on your specific hardware configuration.

Computer Setup (F10) Utility Guide