Video Quality and Disc Size

Sonic MyDVD includes four DVD video quality (bit rate) settings, and a Fit-to-DVD option that can be applied to a video project or to individual movie files. The DVD quality settings are:

HQ (High Quality) Best audio and video quality, but requires the most disc space per second of video. Good choice for video files that contain high-speed action (for example, motor sports).

SP (Standard Play) Good audio and video quality with most video sources.

LP (Long Play) Fits approximately twice as much video onto a DVD as HQ. Not recommended when the original video is low-quality or noisy.

EP (Extended Play) Fits the most video onto a DVD, but video quality is low. Not recommended unless the original video is very good quality.

Fit-to-DVDAs you add more content to the project, MyDVD reduces the project quality automatically to fit the selected disc size. Fit-to-DVD is the default setting for new projects.


You can record the same file on a disc at each of the different speeds to compare the results.


VCDs have a fixed bit rate that delivers one quality level. You can fit approximately one hour of video on a VCD (the recording time is reduced if you use animated menu buttons or backgrounds).

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HP m7263w, m7248n, m7246n, m7257c, m7259c, m7287c, m7267c, m7260n, m7250n manual Video Quality and Disc Size