| 60 GB | 40 GB | 30 GB | 20 GB |
| |
Physical configuration |
| |
Cylinders3 | 22,784 | 22,784 | 25,800 | 22,784 |
Heads | 6 | 4 | 2 | 4 |
Sectors per | 293 to 560 | 293 to 560 | 398 to 731 | 293 to 560 |
track3 |
Bytes per sector | 512 | 512 | 512 | 512 |
Buffer size3 | 2 MB | 2 MB | 512 KB | 512 KB |
Disk rotational | 4200 rpm | 4200 rpm | 4200 rpm | 4200 rpm |
speed |
Transfer rate |
Interface max | 66.6 | 66.6 | 100 | 66.6 |
(MB/s)2 |
Media (MB/s)3 | 109 to 203 | 109 to 203 | 155 to 256 | 109 to 203 |
11 GB = 1,073,741,824 bytes.
2System capability may differ.
3Actual drive specifications may differ slightly.
Certain restrictions and exclusions apply. Consult the Compaq Customer Support Center for details.
Maintenance and Service Guide |