Updating the Firmware

You can update the firmware using the Smart Components, which are downloadable from the HP website. Detailed instructions for using the Smart Components are given on the Web page that contains the components.

NOTE: Some newer ProLiant servers automatically update the system and controller firmware when they are powered up for the first time. To determine whether this situation is true for a particular server, refer to the server-specific setup and installation guide.

Alternatively, if the server uses Microsoft Windows 2000 or Microsoft Windows NT as the operating system, you can use one of the CDs that are supplied with the controller to accomplish the firmware updates. Before using either CD, check the Smart Components on the HP website to see whether newer versions of the firmware upgrade files are available.

1.Insert the CD into the CD-ROM drive of the server.

If the server was configured using the ROM-Based Setup Utility (RBSU), use the SmartStart CD (version 6.0 or later).

If the server did not use RBSU, use the Support Software CD.

If you want to run the firmware updates while offline, restart the server now, and then wait for controller initialization to finish.

The ProLiant Storage Software license agreement page is displayed.

2.Click Agree.

The main ProLiant Storage Software screen is displayed.

3.Click ROM Update Utility.

4.Click the Updates tab.

HP Smart Array 641/642 Controller User Guide
