Table 1 Source and Target for Full Volume Backup of Encrypted Data on HP-UX EVFS Volumes.






HP-UX EVFS volume open for raw






Tape device



To perform a full volume backup of encrypted data from an HP-UX EVFS volume to a tape device, complete the following steps:

Step 1 To configure an HP-UX EVFS volume on the source system, complete the following tasks:

1.Create a source LVM volume.

2.Create HP-UX EVFS volume device files by mapping the LVM volume to EVFS.

3.Generate user keys for the HP-UX EVFS volume.

4.Create an Encryption Metadata (EMD) area on the source HP-UX EVFS volume.

Step 2 To create a file system on an HP-UX EVFS volume, complete the following steps:


The following steps are optional

1.Enable the source HP-UX EVFS volume.

2.Create a file system on the source HP-UX EVFS volume, and mount the file system.

3.To verify if data is backed up properly, create a sample directory with sample files in the directory on which the source HP-UX EVFS volume is mounted.

4.To unmount the file system on the HP-UX EVFS volume (if the file system exists), enter the umount command.

Step 3 To open raw access to the HP-UX EVFS volume, complete the following tasks:

1.Disable the HP-UX EVFS volume. You must perform this step before opening the HP- UX EVFS volume for raw access.

2.To open raw access to the source HP-UX EVFS volume, enter the evfsvol raw command.


After you open the volume for raw access, any entity reading data from the HP-UX EVFS volume receives encrypted data. Any entity writing data to the HP-UX EVFS volume writes directly to the underlying disk; EVFS does not encrypt the text. HP recommends that you use the evfsvol raw command only when creating encrypted backup media or restoring encrypted backup media.

Step 4 Back up data from the HP-UX EVFS volume to the target device by using the Disk Image (raw volume) Backup feature of HP OpenView Storage Data Protector. For more information on using HP OpenView Storage Data Protector, see the HP Data Protector Software website at: