thread An independent flow of control within a single process, having its


own register set and program counter. The HP-UX operating system supports


multiple-executing threads within the same process.

Thread Trace

See ttv




A change in system state that is caused by an exception and that may be


detected by the executing program that took the exception. Traps are


hardware features that may be enabled or disabled. If traps are enabled,


they can change the flow of control in the program that took the exception.


In response to a trap, the system may generate a signal (for example,


SIGFPE), which the program can detect. Such a program can be designed


to handle traps. HP Fortran 90 provides the ONstatement to handle traps.


A tool for analyzing parallel-executing programs.

tty buffering

A method for efficiently processing data that is directed to standard output


by capturing it in a buffer before sending it to the screen.

underflow An

condition that occurs when the result of a floating-point operation is smaller


than the smallest normalized number. On systems that support it, fast


underflow is an efficient method of handling this exception.


An optimization technique that replaces eligible program loops that operate


on arrays with calls to specially tuned routines that perform the same



wall-clock time

Time spent by an executing program that includes system time as well as


process time. In contrast, virtual time takes into account process time only.


Profilers (such as CXperf) that track both virtual time and wall-clock time


provide information about when a program is blocked as well as when it


is running.


The HP Wildebeest Debugger (WDB) is an HP-supported implementation


of the Open Source GNU debugger (GDB).

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HP UX Fortran Software manual See ttv