
+Oloop_transformenables transformation of eligible


loops for improved cache performance. The most


important transformation is the interchange of nested


loops to make the inner loop unit stride, resulting in fewer


cache misses. +Onoloop_transform disables


transformation of eligible loops. The default is




NOTE: This option is deprecated and not supported in


future releases. Use +inline_level.

+inline_level num

This option controls inlining in fortran. The format for num


is N[.n], where num is either an integral value from0


to 9 or a value with a single decimal place from 0.0to


9.0. For more information on this option, see




+Oloop_unrollturns on loop unrolling. factor is the


unroll factor that controls the code expansion. The default


unroll factor is 4; that is, four copies of the loop body.


By experimenting with different factors, you may improve


the performance of your program. This option is only


effective at optimization level 2 or higher. The default is




+loop_unroll_jamenables loop unrolling and


jamming. +Onoloop_unroll_jam (the default) disables


both automatic and directive-specified unroll and jam.


Loop unrolling and jamming increases register




+Omoveflops allows the optimizer to move conditional


floating-point instructions, enabling other optimizations


to occur. This option is only effective at optimization level


2 or higher.


The behavior of floating-point exception handling may


be altered by this option.


Using +Onomoveflops is recommended if floating-point


traps are enabled and you do not want the behavior of


floating-point exceptions to be altered by the relocation


of floating-point instructions, as when your program uses


the ON statement. The default is +Omoveflops.


+Omultiprocessortells the compiler to appropriately


optimize several different processes on multiprocessor


machines. The optimizations are those appropriate for


executables and or shared libraries.


+Onomultiprocessor, the default, disables the


optimization of more than one process running on a


multiprocessor machine.


NOTE: This option is valid only on the PA-RISC systems.


+Oopenmp allows users to enable the OpenMP directives.


+Onoopenmpwill disable the OpenMP directives.


+O[no]openmpis accepted at all optimization levels.


The default is +Onoopenmp.


+Oparallel causes the compiler to transform eligible


loops for parallel execution on multiprocessor machines.


This option is effective only at optimization level 3 or


higher. This option is available only on HP 9000 systems.


If you link separately from the command line and compile


the program with the +Oparallel option, you must link


with the f90 command and specify the


+Oparalleloption to link in the correct runtime support.


The +Onoparallel option disables parallelization for


the target program. It is the default at all levels of


optimization. The +Oparallel option is not available

46 Compiling and linking

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HP UX Fortran Software manual +inlinelevel num, +Onoloopunroll=factor, +Oloopunroll=4, +Onoloopunrolljam, +Onomoveflop