
Example 5

Consider, for example, a program that consists of three files: main.f90, code.f90, anddata.f90

. The main program unit is in main.f90, as follows.

Example 6 Example 2-2 main.f90

PROGRAM keep_stats

!stats_code contains module procedures for operating

!on statistical database

USE stats_code INTEGER :: n

! print prompt, using nonadvancing I/O

WRITE (*, FMT='(A)', ADVANCE='NO') 'Enter an integer '// & '(hint: 77 is current average): '

READ *, n

IF (n == 0) THEN

PRINT *, 'But not that one.'


CALL update_db(n)

IF (n >= get_avg()) THEN ! get_avg is in stats_code PRINT *, 'Average or better.'


PRINT *, 'Below average.'



END PROGRAM keep_stats

The first specification statement (USE) in the main program indicates that it uses the module stats_code. This module is defined in code.f90, as follows:

Example 7 Example 2-3 code.f90

!stats_code: a (partial!) package of module procedures for

!performing statistical operations

MODULE stats_code

!shared data to be used by procedures declared below USE stats_db

CONTAINS ! module procedures

!update_db: updates shared variables in module stats_db SUBROUTINE update_db (new_item)

INTEGER :: new_item n_items = n_items +1 item(n_items) = new_item sum = sum + new_item END SUBROUTINE update_db

!get_avg: returns arithmetic mean

INTEGER FUNCTION get_avg () get_avg = sum / n_items END FUNCTION get_avg

END MODULE stats_code

This program unit also begins with a USEstatement, which identifies the module it uses as stats_db. This module is defined in data.f90, as follows:

56 Compiling and linking

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HP UX Fortran Software manual Examples, Example 6 Example 2-2 main.f90, Example 7 Example 2-3 code.f90