
If you choose the LDAP approach to integrate HP-UX account management and authentication with Windows 2000, the LDAP-UX Client Services product provides a set of migration tools to help you migrate your user and group information from the local /etc/passwd and group files or NIS server to Active Directory. The tools create an ldif file based on the information you enter interactively or the environment variables you set in advance. All posix data except password will be migrated. There is a technical difficulity to convert unix-encrypted password to the format of password Windows 2000 KDC expects. As a result, all user and group entries are migrated without a password. For security reasons, all user accounts are disabled when they are imported into Active Directory. Before a user can log into a Windows 2000 PC or a HP-UX machine, the Windows 2000 administrator will have to enable the account and set password first.

The migration tools can be found in /opt/ldapux/migrate/ads. Refer to Installing and Administering LDAP-UX with Microsoft Windows 2000 Active Directory for detailed information.