T-Mobile G1 User Guide R1.0 127 September 8, 2008
pending notifications 25
YouTube search history 117
clear Bluetooth device list 35
changing display in Alarm Clock 121
IM chat 54
multiple Web page windows 65
email messages 44
on downloads from Android Market 115
reading on YouTube videos 118
removing your review of an item from Android
Market 115
email message 46
multimedia message 59
text message 59
compose new
email from POP3 or IMAP accounts 49
copying music to SD card 105
copying pictures to and from SD card 98
conference calls
how to place 85
connect to other Bluetooth devices 35
to Wi-Fi 26
connection status
icons 24
contact details screen
editing 38
using to communicate with a contact 38
viewing 37
about the My Contacts group 41
custom ringtones 38
icon 37
new contact 37
calling from contacts list 39
controlling data sync 32
editing contact details 38
importing from SIM card 41
mapping stored address 40
select groups to sync 40
sending calls from a contact straight to
voicemail 38
setting picture 102
storing address of message sender
automatically 38
Contacts application shortcuts 41
Contacts tab
using to make phone calls 80
context menus
for taking action on a contact 37
using 15
control buttons
Back 9
Call 10
Capture 10
End call 10
Home 9
illustration 9
Menu 9
trackball 10
Volum e 10
control music play 107
conversations (Gmail)
archiving 45
cookies, clearing from Browser 69
copy pictures to and from SD card and computer
folders on Home screen 23
new calendar event 92
ringtone from song 110