T-Mobile G1 User Guide R1.0 130 September 8, 2008
Fixed Dial Number feature, using 27, 87
flag objectionable content in Android Market 115
flashing lights, what they mean 11
folders, creating on Home screen 23
font, adjusting size in Web pages 69
form data
clearing Web pages 69
setting to remember on Web sites 69
formats of supported playlists 109
forward email message 46
frequency of checking for email, setting for POP3
or IMAP accounts 50
Friends list
adding a friend 54
Google Talk 52
full-screen, viewing pictures in 102
functions, using advanced in calculator 122
downloading from Android Market 111
about messages 42
application shortcuts 47
Inbox illustration 42
system labels 46
Go to window in Browser 63
Google services, synchronization settings 28
Google Talk
show all friends 52
show popular friends 52
sign in automatically 55
signing out 56
Google Talk chat, starting 54
Google Talk friend
blocking 53
hiding 53
pinning 53
searching for 53
showing 53
unblocking 53
unpinning 53
Google Talk group chat
starting 55
Google Talk messages
setting notification 56
Google Talk, about 52
GPS, using to determine location 29
group chats
starting in Google Talk 55
groups, in Contacts 41
hands-free car kit or headset
using Bluetooth devices for calls 79
headset, using Bluetooth 79
hide in list, Google Talk friend 53
hide/show friend, what it means 53
locations visited in Maps 78
viewing in Browser 68
viewing operation history in calculator 122
hold call, using in phone 83
Home button, using 9
home page (Web)
defining from bookmark 69
defining in settings 66, 69
shortcut 67
Home screen (phone)
about 21
creating folders 23
creating shortcuts 22
customizing wallpaper 23
extended Home screens 22