Using Other Applications 169
To view the contents of a cell
There are times that the text in a cell cannot be fully displayed onscreen. To
view the text in the cell in its entirety, select the cell and then click View >
Cell Text.
To use Freeze Pane
1. Select the cell that is after and below the row and column you want to
For example, if you want to freeze column E and row 4, you should
select cell F5.
2. Click View > Freeze Panes. To unfreeze the panes, click View >
Unfreeze Panes.
To change the zoom ratio
Click View > Zoom and then select the zoom ratio to use.
To switch to another worksheet
If your Excel file has multiple worksheets, you can go to a different
worksheet by clicking View > Sheet and then select the worksheet you
want to view.
Edit and send worksheets
In order to edit Excel worksheets, you need to switch to Edit mode. To
switch to Edit mode, click Menu > Edit.
To edit the cell text
1. Select the cell whose text you want to edit and then press CENTER OK
or click Menu > Edit > Cell Text.
2. Type in the text and click Done.
To delete the cell content
Select the cell whose content you want to delete and click Menu >
Edit > Clear Cell.
Tip You can select multiple cells by clicking Menu > Select and then choosing
what to select in the worksheet.