190 Index
International call 49
Internet 113
Internet Explorer Mobile 32, 117
Internet Sharing 32, 118
Language/locale setting 62
LED indicator lights 20, 31
Licensed and protected media 147
- keyboard 70
- phone 71
Make call
- from Call History 44
- from Contacts 44
- from Home Screen 43
- from Speed Dial 45
Managing Meeting Requests 105
Memory 67
Messaging 32, 86
Messenger 32
microSD Card 23
Microsoft ActiveSync 56
Microsoft Windows Mobile Device
Center 55
- access MMS 88
- create and send 89
- MMS settings 88
MMS video (capture mode) 137
- Bluetooth modem 125
- USB modem 118
Multipress mode 35
Music Player 154
Mute call 49
Number format 62
Numeric mode 36
Operating system version 66
Out-of-office 104
Outlook e-mail 91
Owner information 65
Parts and accessories 16
Pause in dialing sequence 50
PDF 173
Personal information 65
Phone program 41
Phone specification 66
Photo (capture mode) 137
Pictures & Videos 32, 144
Picture theme (capture mode) 137
PIN 42, 70
Playlists (Audio Manager)
Play media 149
POP3 92
Power management 65
Profile 63
Programs 31
- ActiveSync 31
- Adobe Reader 31