2 Product Overview
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
2 Product Overview

2.1 Pr

printer through the USB 2.0 host interface. It also supports multiple USB devices, such
as the USB stick, USB hard disk, and USB card reader.

2.2 Hardware

2.2.1 In

Table 2-1 he terminal.
Tic the

oduct Features

The EchoLife HG556a Home Gateway (hereinafter referred to as the terminal) is a home
gateway using the Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) technology. It also
supports high-speed wireless uplink through HSPA stick.
The Home Gateway is the core component of the digital home. In addition to the
high-speed WAN interface, the terminal also provides abundant LAN interfaces to
facilitate flexible LAN networking of business terminals and interworking between
household terminals. The terminal can function as a print server when connected to a


describes the indicators of t
able 2-1 Ind ators of terminal
Indicator Color Status Meaning
- Off There is no message.
M geessa
Red On There is an incoming message.
- Off The HSPA module is not connected or used.
Red Blinking
The HSPA connection is normal and data
connection is being established.
Red Blin
oice The HSPA connection is normal and v
connection is being established.
Red On The connected HSPA module works