Indicates additional information to make the user aware of possible problems and information of any
importance to help understand, use and maintain the installation.

Disposal Instructions

This product should not be disposed with other household wastes at the end of its working life. Please
separate this from other types of wastes and recycle it responsibly to promote the sustainable reuse of
material resources. This will prevent possible harm to the environment or human health from uncontrolled
waste disposal.


This item incorporates copy protection technology that is protected by U.S. patents and other
intellectual property rights of Rovi Corporation. Reverse engineering and disassembly are prohibited.
IceTV’s free trial, discounted annual subscription, life-time subscription, and other oers from time to time
are provided by IceTV only. Humax is not responsible for fulllment of any of these oers and will not
accept liability for any loss, nancial or otherwise, associated with the acceptance of any of these oers.
Humax also does not make any representations or warranties, express or implied, in respect of the oers
or such services.