Thischapter describes how to search for channels and a series of procedures.

8.1. Channel Search

Ifyour product is connected to the cable and television, you can search channels manually by
searchingparameters, if you know the MUX information.
1. Pressthe MENU button.
2. SelectInstallation using the button,and
pressthe OK button. You will be prompted
toenter your password.
3. SelectChannel Search using the button,
andpress the OK or button.

1. Frequency

1. SelectFrequency using the button,and
pressthe OK or button.
2. Enterthe frequency using the NUMERIC(0-9)
buttonsand press the OK button.

2. Symbol Rate

1. SelectSymbol Rate using the button,
andpress the OK or button.
2. Selectthe symbol rate value using the
button,and press the OK button.
3. Whenyou select User Define to set symbol
ratemanually, enter symbol rate value using
theNUMERIC(0~9) button.
8. Installation

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