Whenpowering on the product for the first time after purchasing, the installation wizard will
Youcan easily set-up using simple organisation and options, and watch the broadcasting after
completingthe set-up procedure. You can select items using the NUMERIC(0~9) buttons.
Ifyou press the BACK button or select Back and press the OK button while
runningthe installation wizard, you can return to the previous screen.
Thedefault password is 0000. If you have forgotten your password, please contact your
localproduct distributor.

3.1 Language

Selectthe appropriate language from the list using the
buttonand press the OK button to save the
selectedlanguage as a default language for menu,
subtitleand audio.

3.2 Channel Search

Youcan search channels automatically or manually. If you select manual search, you have to
setparameters for search.
Frequency:Enter the frequency using the
NUMERIC(0-9)buttons and press the OK
SymbolRate: Select the symbol rate using the
buttonand press the OK or button.
Ifthe required value is not listed, then select
UserDefine and enter the value using the
NetworkID : Enter the network ID using the
NUMERIC(0-9)buttons and press the OK
SelectNext and press the OK button to start channel search.
3. Installation Wizard

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