3types of channel lists are provided for easy and quick channel browsing.
TV Thelist of all TV channels with 2 sub-groups: one is sorted by channel number, the other is sorted by
channelname (Alphabetical).
Radio Thelist of all Radio channels with 2 sub-groups: one is sorted by channel number, the other is sorted
bychannel name (Alphabtical).
Favourite Youcan create 5 Favourite list to give you quicker access to the channels you watch more often. This
willallow you to ignore channels you rarely or never watch.
7.1 Displaying and Switching Channel List
Youcan display the channel list using LIST button and switch into other channel on the channel list. You can also
displaythe channel list by pressing the OK button.
1. Press the LIST button while watching a programme to
displaythe selected channel list.
2. Select your desired channel using the buttonand press the
OK buttonto change the channel.
3. Enter the channel numeric directly using the NUMERICAL (0-9)
buttonto move cursor into your desired channel. And then press
theOK button to change into the selected channel.
4. To display or hide the scramble icon in the channel list, select ON
Ifthere are multiple channels, press the PAGE-/PAGE+ button to move by page.
Wheneveryou press the TV/RADIO button while the channel list is displayed, the channel list will switch
betweenTV and Radio channel lists.
7. Channel List

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