Youcan set censorship and all other items suitable for your environment.
• Pressthe BACK or buttonto save the changes and return to the previous menu.
Pressthe MENU or EXIT button to exit from the Menu screen.
• Youcan easily select all menu items using the assigned numerical button for each menu.
9.1 Parental ControlYoucan set parental control for each programme and change your Password.
1. Press the MENU button.
2. Select Preferences using the buttonand press the OK
or button.
3. Select Parental Control using the buttonand press the
OK or button.
4. When prompting message is displayed to ask Password, enter
thePassword using the NUMERICAL (0~9) button.
Note: TheDefault Password is 0000. If you have forgotten your Password, please contact your local product
1. Setting Censorship
CensorshipClassification allows you to block programmes according to the age level you have set.
1. Select Censorship Classification using the buttonand
pressthe OK or button.
2. Select your desired Age Level using the buttonand press
theOK button.
ViewAll All programmes can be watched because there is
noage limitation.
7Programmesare blocked under the age of 7.
12 Programmesare blocked under the age of 12.
15 Programmesare blocked under the age of 15.
18 Programmesare blocked under the age of 18.
LockAll All Programmes are blocked without considering
theage level.
Note: Youhave to enter Password to watch the programme which is blocked by the age level.
9. Setting Preferences