15.2 Error MessageError message Possible causes What to do
Noor bad signal Theaerial is not pointing properly. Adjustaerial.
Checkthe cable from the aerial.If you cannot
resolvethe problem you may need to have
youraerial and installation tested by a
Thechannel is
scrambledor not
Thechannel has signal, but no audio or video.
Thechannel is deleted by broadcasting
Checkif the channel is currently on air.
Thechannel is for data broadcasting. Cannotwatch the channel in usual way.
Theaudio is not
available. Thechannel has signal, but no Audio. PresstheAudio button to check if the channel
CImodule is not
installed. CImodule is not installed.
CImodule is not properly inserted.
CImodule is broken.
Installproper CI module.
Pullout the CI module and plug it in
ReplaceCI module.
InvalidCI module CImodel is not correct.
CImodule is not properly inserted.
CImodule is broken.
Installproper CI module.
Pullout the CI module and plug it in again.
ReplaceCI module.