Tuner& Channel
InputConnector IEC-Type,IEC 169-2, Female
RFLoop through Output connector IEC-Type,IEC 169-2, Male
FrequencyRange 51MHzto 858MHz
SignalLevel -95to -35dBmV
Demodulation OFDM
Mode 2K,8K
FECmode 1/2,2/3, 3/4, 5/6 & 7/8
GuardIntervals 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 & 1/32
MPEGTransport Stream A/V Decoding
TransportStream MPEG-2 ISO/IEC 13818
ProfileLevel MPEG2MP@ML
InputRate 15 Mbit/s Max
AspectRatio 4:3,16:9 Letter Box (Default)
VideoResolution 720x576,720x480
AudioDecoding MPEG/MusiCam LayerI&II
AudioMode Single /Dual mono/ Stereo /Joint stereo


RF/Loop-throughOutput Connector 75 ,IEC 169-2
Frequency 470~ 862 MHz
OutputChannel CH 21 ~ 69
TVstandard PALI/G/B
PresetChannel CH 36
A/V& Data In/Out
Video RCA/TVSCART/VCR SCART Video Output (CVBS, S-Video, RGB)
AudioL/R RCA/TVSCART/VCR SCART Volume and Mute Control
(Resolution:20bitsDAC, MAX. 2Vrms)
RS-232C 9PIN Male Socket
S/PDIF DigitalAudio Output, Fiber-Optic (Resolution: 20bits)
USB USB2.0 Device (connectable to the USB of PC)
16. Specification

GB 78