1. Add/Remove favourite channelsYoucan add favourite channel(s) to a specific Favourite channel list or remove the added favourite channel(s) from the
1. Select Favourite Group using .
2. Select your desired channel(s) in all TV/Radio channel list and press toadd Favourite channel(s).
3. Select your desired channel(s) in Favourite channel list and press toremove Favourite channel(s).
Note: Youcan switch between TV and Radio channel list using TV/RADIO button on the remote controller or
2. Move favourite channelsYoucan change the order of favourite channel(s) in the Favourite channel list.
1. Select Favourite Group using .
2. Select your desired channel(s) to move within the Favourite
channellist and press the OK button.
3. Select andpressthe OK button.
4. Move the cursor to your desired location using the button
andpress the OK button.
5. The selected channel(s) is moved to the desired location you
7. Channel List
GB 46